Building Protection for highest demands

Industrial Coating at its best

Shining wood surfaces

Superior epoxy resin systems

Highly specialized materials for mechanical engineering

Reinforced thermoplastic compounds

A new class of fillers for dental applications
Polymers are used in many areas of our everyday life. The use of our raw materials is extremely versatile and ranges from the additive to the High Performance Filler. HPF Minerals is the ideal partner of the industry, particularly due to the constant high quality of our products. Our innovative strength as well as continuous research and development of new processes for the refinement of different minerals is an important aspect of our activities. Please contact us and benefit from an experienced and innovative partner.
We are sure to find the best mineral solution for your polymer application.
After more than 140 years, for the future we are firmly set on continuing to manage the Quarzwerke Group as a family company, since we are convinced that the long-term orientation provided by this is a particular strength, from which our customers, partners and personnel all profit.
For this reason, the scope and speed of our development and our readiness for risk will also be led in future by managerial prudence and financial soundness.
Our foundation
As a traditional company, it is important to us to define precisely the objectives of our actions and the means to achieve them. We see this as a clear commitment to an entrepreneurial continuity that we are proud of and which we want to carry further into the future.
Customer Satisfaction
We want to be a competent partner for our customers and seek long-term cooperation with them.
We want qualified, innovative and responsible personnel, who are satisfied in their word and contribute to the companies success.
We want to be a responsible player within our social environment. By means of sustainable development, we seek to assure a lasting foundation for our business, while minimising effects upon the natural environment. Environmental and health protection are given high priority.
Long-Term Orientation
We seek to achieve company results that will assure our independence, and use these in an appropriate manner to provide maintained value, growth and dividends.