
Our High Performance Fillers play an outstanding role in the production of thermosets. The high demands on the various thermoset systems, such as high strengths and high heat resistance, can only be met by functional fillers. Moreover, their use in the finished parts leads to optically demanding, resistant surfaces.
Epoxy Casting Applications
For decades, epoxy resins have been important raw materials for electrical engineering and electronics due to their good adhesion, their good resistance to heat and chemicals, as well as their excellent electrical properties.
In electronics, epoxy resin moulding materials are used for coating systems, lamination resins for connections and for the circuit board production. In electrical engineering, epoxy resins are used for the construction of transducers, insulator devices and dry-type power transformers.
The required mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of epoxy resin are affected significantly by the chosen functional filler which can be based on silica, fused silica, wollastonite or alumina. For superior demands e.g. outdoor applications, all fillers are also available with surface treatment.
For decades the High Performance Fillers SILBOND® silanized silica fine flour and MILLISIL® silica flour have proven their worth in EP resin systems. On the one hand they are applied because of their outstanding mechanical properties, on the other hand they make an important economic contribution. High Performance Fillers based on silica are characterized by the following features:
High weathering and chemical resistance
High mechanical strength
Increased filler loads
Excellent processability
Low thermal expansion
Surface-modified silica flour SILBOND® W 12 EST has since long been standard for weather-resistant open-air applications due to the excellent incorporation into the EP polymer system.
Today SILBOND® silica flour is increasingly used for „indoor“ casting resin parts with shiny top-quality surfaces.

SILBOND® 126 EST, an advancement of the well established SILBOND® W 12 EST, offers highest filling degrees at constant viscosity.
SILBOND® fused silica for epoxy systems with strong variations in temperature
The epoxy compound and the metallic material are exposed to strong thermal alternating stress. Thermal fluctuations cause changes in material dimensions. In order to avoid damages at the devices the dimension discrepancies of the different materials must be kept as low as possible. In order to minimize the different changes in dimension of the compound and the metal, special High Performance Fillers with a low thermal coefficient of expansion are applied. Thus crack sensible applications as big metallic casting parts or complex geometric shapes can be produced.
Excellent reinforcing properties with TREMIN® Wollastonite
TREMIN® wollastonite, either blocky- or needle-shaped, features good electrical properties and excellent reinforcing properties and additionally a low thermal expansion. TREMIN® with an excellent impact resistance is recommended for indoor applications.
SILATHERM® Plus for thermal conductive epoxy resins
SILATHERM® Plus has especially been developed for applications where electrical insulation is combined with thermal conductivity. With this top product high filler loads can be achieved while maintaining excellent flow properties.

Please talk to us about the use of our fillers in your epoxy resins system and benefit from our high quality raw materials. Our specialists will gladly answer your questions!