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Create a Backup

Please create a Backup, before start editing the page. It takes only a few minutes. With backups we can restore this page, if something goes terribly wrong. You can find a tutorial on the left side, how to create a backup.


To follow this documentation properly, you need access to this Backend for this Website. If you don't receive an Mail with your credentials please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


My English is not very good. If you need further assistance or a better translation, please send me a Mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Login to Backend

After that you need to fill your Username and Password on this given Page.

Translate Static Content

After your successfull Login, you see the Dashboard. Click here the Button "Yootheme" like in marked image below.

Klick on Yootheme

After that you see the Pagebuilder, where you can edit nearby the complete content from the Website. Now the next steps explain how to open the correct site, which you want to translate. Please choose your language on the top right. Then click on Builder in the left and at least choose your desired Menu Item in the top to navigate to the Content, what you want to translate. The order af this actions isn't necessary.


It's important to choose the correct language before you start to edit the content.

Choose Language

Klick on Builder

Choose your Content

what you want to translate.
After the all the actions before performed correctly, you should see for example something like this. On the left Site is the Builder with the Elements from Content and on the right side is the Live Preview of content. Now you can choose an element on the left site and click to edit the content of an element OR you can hover on the right side over the life preview and click on the pencil.

Klick on Element

Hover over Content and click on the pencil symbol

Now on the left side the content appears. You can edit the content an see the results immediatly on the right side. After you're done with the work, click on the save at top position

Edit your Content

Click on save


Translate Menu Items

Perform the actions from "Login to Backend" to go to Backend from your website. Click on the left side "Menus". Below this Menu Item you can see for every language a Menu. Please choose the Menu in your language, what do you want to translate. Don't click on the PLUS sign. This will create a new Menu Item. Click directly on the desired menu.

Klick on Menu

Choose your Main Menu

Click on the Menu Item (e.g. Downloads) you want to translate.

Klick on Menu Item

Here you can translate the "Title" and you shoul empty the "Alias" Field. The system will create a new alias automaticly. Click after that on "Save&Close"

Klick on Menu Item


Create Backup

Perform the actions from "Login to Backend" to go to Backend from your website. Click here on the left site "Components" > Akeeba Backup for Joomla > Backup Now.

Click on Components

Now click on "Backup Now!" and wait until you see a Message that the Backup went successfull. Please don't close the Window, before the Backup is done!

Click on Backup Now

A Backup should be done as often as possible, without straining the storage/memoryspace of the operating database. Once a week, would be sufficient enough, to have a proper backup in case of emergency.

Update Downloads

First, log into the backend, now perform theses actions consecutively: Click "Content" on the left side of the menu, than click on "Articels" after that search for "downloads" in the searchbar. Now choose the one which is highlighted with "Englisch(en-GB)" in the column Language.

1.Click on Content and Articels

2."downloads" in the searchbar

3.Click on downloads

Now click on the button "Yootheme Builder" and proceed onto the web-builder.


The following Web-Builder should look like this. Now Click on the following "Grid-Element", you wish to put the new download in. Each element on the Page will be highlighted by a blue outline, if we now would like to enter a new download into the "German/English" section, we would search for the "Grid-Element" by looking which one is highlighted while hovering over it, after that we will click onto the "Grid-Element" in the left table to proceed.

1. Seaching for the designated Grid-Element

2. Blue Outline for designated area

Now we can proceed to add an item, by clicking the highlighted button "Add item" into the "German/English" Section.

1. Click on Add Item

First of all insert a "Title" into the Title-Field. Secondly put a "Image" into the Image-Field. Lastly search for the title: "Link" and proceed to insert the PDF into it. The following graphic is a visual example, where we added a new download onto the "German/English" Section.



3. LINK to insert PDF

In order to insert a Image into the Image-Field and the PDF into the Link-Field, we firstly need to upload the pictures/ PDF-files. This is done via clicking on the empty "Select Image" space for the Image and clicking on to the left most icon on the "Link" field. 

We are in the file-directory now, where we search for the folder "Downloads", where we will save every file(PDF/Images) in their assigned folders. In our exemplary case it would be "Brochures-German-English". In order to check if you are in the right branch you can look at your folder-history. Now click on "Upload" and select both the PDF and image which you want to upload. 

Now Select for each designated Link-/Image-Field the PDF and Image, by clicking the button next to the uploaded file in the file directory.

1.folder history (Home/Downloads/Brochures-German-English)

2. Upload

3. Select Image/PDF

Click on "Save Layout" and you are done. 

1.Finish Layout

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Please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Initial Relase Documentation
